Uvazhayemyye kollegi!
Priglashayem Vas prinyat’ uchastiye v Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya
GAOU VO «Severo-Kavkazskiy federal’nyy universitet» («SKFU») | GBNU «Psikhologicheskiy institut Rossiyskoy akademii obrazovaniya» (PI RAO) | Rossiyskaya akademiya obrazovaniya |
The conference will be held from October 15 to 17, 2020 in Kislovodsk
Podacha zayavki na konferentsiyu until April 15 2020 g.
Podacha statey: until May 15 2020 goda.
Formy uchastiya: ochnaya i zaochnaya.
Formy raboty konferentsii: plenarnyye diskussii, sektsionnyye zasedaniya, krug-lyye stoly, stendovyye doklady.
Rabochiye yazyki: russkiy, angliyskiy.
Конференция ставит своей целью обсуждение ключевых задач и выработку новых подходов к развитию и реализации личностных и регуляторных ресурсов в образовательной и профессиональной сферах.
Участники. К участию в конференции приглашаются ведущие российские и зарубежные ученые, психологи, педагоги, специалисты других отраслей научного знания и практики, представители органов управления образованием, молодежной политики, представители общественных и некоммерческих организаций, а также аспиранты и студенты вузов РФ и зарубежья.
Tematika obsuzhdayemykh voprosov na simpoziume:
– Conscious self-regulation as a resource of achievements, well-being and involvement of students.
– Diagnostic methods for the development and individual characteristics of self-regulation.
– Self-regulation and motivation of educational activities.
– Self-regulation of mental states of students in secondary and higher schools.
– Cognitive and personal foundations of conscious self-regulation and their role in mastering educational competencies in a digital environment.
– Self-regulation of aggressive behavior.
– Cross-cultural differences in coping with difficult life situations.
– Digital educational technologies as a resource of academic success.
– The role of the innovation environment in the development of giftedness.
Tematika obsuzhdayemykh voprosov na simpoziume:
– Conscious human self-regulation as a metasystem of resources to achieve professional goals.
– Features of self-regulation of mental states in professional activities
– Regulatory resources of the vitality of the subject.
– Self-regulation and personality in the context of helping practices.
– Personal and regulatory resources in difficult life situations.
– Psychological resources of self-realization and social success in the context of the concept of lifelong education.
– Entrepreneurial education in the context of global and regional challenges.
– The main directions and mechanisms of reproduction of the personal resource of the subject of labor in modern conditions.
– Psychological support of professional self-determination, personal and professional development at various stages of becoming a professional.
Tematika obsuzhdayemykh voprosov na simpoziume:
– Age and individual typological features of students’ self-regulation.
– The development of self-regulation in preschool age.
– The influence of the educational environment on the development of self-regulation.
– Self-regulation of conditions and mental health.
– Cross-cultural differences in the development of self-regulation.
– Features of self-regulation of children with mental health problems.
– Self-regulation in the system of spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents.
– The influence of the family on the development of self-regulation of children and parents.
– Self-regulation in the life perspective of the digital generation.
ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННЫЕ УСЛОВИЯ Развернуть5000/5000Максимальное количество символов: 5000ПЕРЕВЕСТИ ЕЩЁ 5000Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in
International Scientific and Practical Conference
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “North Caucasus Federal University” (“NKFU”)
FSBIU “Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education” (PI RAO) Russian Academy of Education
Important dates:
the conference will be held from October 23 to 24, 2020 in Kislovodsk
application for the conference until March 30, 2020
submission of articles: until April 30, 2020.
Forms of participation: full-time and part-time.
Forms of the conference: plenary discussions, breakout sessions, round tables, poster presentations.
Working languages: Russian, English.
The conference aims to discuss key tasks and develop new approaches to the development and implementation of personal and regulatory resources in the educational and professional fields.
The participants. Leading Russian and foreign scientists, psychologists, educators, specialists from other fields of scientific knowledge and practice, representatives of education management bodies, youth policy, representatives of public and non-profit organizations, as well as post-graduate students and students are invited to participate in the conference. Universities of the Russian Federation and abroad.
The program includes the work of 2 symposia:
Self-regulation and personality in the era of digitalization of the educational environment
Topics of the issues discussed at the symposium:
— Key concepts and methodological foundations of the psychology of self-regulation.
— Conscious self-regulation as a metasystem of resources to achieve educational goals and the well-being of students.
— Self-regulation of cognitive states in educational activities.
— Individual features of self-regulation in experimental situations of achieving educational goals.
— Self-regulation of mental states in high and high school.
— Cognitive foundations of conscious self-regulation and their role in mastering educational competencies.
— A personal resource of subjects of education in the information environment.
— Cross-cultural potential of students in coping with difficult life situations.
— Digitalization as a resource of academic success.
— The role of the innovation environment in the development of giftedness.
— Potentials and risks of the digital environment in academic and professional success.
Personality Success Resources in the Professional Field
Topics of the issues discussed at the symposium:
— Conscious human self-regulation as a metasystem of resources to achieve professional goals.
— Features of self-regulation of mental states in professional activities
— Regulatory resources of the vitality of the subject.
— Self-regulation of conditions and mental health.
— Self-regulation and personality in the context of helping practices.
— Personal and regulatory resources in difficult life situations.
— Psychological resources of self-realization and social success in the context of the concept of lifelong education.
— Entrepreneurial education in the context of global and regional challenges.
— The main directions and mechanisms of reproduction of the personal resource of the subject of labor in modern conditions.
— Psychological support of professional self-determination, personal and professional development at various stages of becoming a professional.
— Family and social success.
— The ratio of personal and subjective self-regulation in individual life.
Conference Program Committee:
Morosanova Varvara Ilinichna — Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Laboratory of Psychology of Self-Regulation of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow) — Chairman.
Zinchenko Yuri Petrovich — Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Dean of the Psychology Department of Moscow State University, Full Member and Vice President of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the Russian Psychological Society (Moscow).
Leonova Anna Borisovna — Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology, Psychology Department, Moscow State University Lomonosov (Moscow).
Malykh Sergey Borisovich — Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician-Mik-Secretary of the Psychology Department of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Laboratory of Age-Related Psychogenetics of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow).
Gaydamashko Igor Vasilievich, Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Chief Scientific Secretary of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow Technological University (Moscow).
Does the program committee remain? Which of the foreign participants should be included in the program committee?
Conference Organizing Committee:
Banshchikova Tatyana Nikolaevna — chairman of the organizing committee, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, head of the Scientific and Educational Center for Psychological Support of Personal and Professional Development of the Institute of Education and Social Sciences
Programma vklyuchayet rabotu 3-kh simpoziumov:
Self-regulation as a meta-resource of human education and self-development
Self-regulation of conditions and achievement of goals in the professional field
elf-regulation and mental health
Programmnyy komitet konferentsii:
Organizatsionnyy komitet konferentsii:
Tat’yana Nikolayevna
predsedatel’ orgkomiteta,
kandidat psikhologi-cheskikh nauk,
dotsent, rukovoditel’
Nauchno-obrazovatel’nogo tsentra
psikhologicheskogo soprovozhdeniya
lichnostno-professional’nogo razvitiya
Instituta obrazovaniya i sotsial’nykh nauk
Valery Kirillovich
Doctor of Education, Professor,
director of the North Caucasus
regional science center
Russian Academy of Education
Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
and about. Director of the Institute of Education
and social sciences SKFU
Alexander Erikovich
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor,
Deputy Director
Institute of Education and Social Sciences SKFU
on scientific activity
Elena Alekseevna
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Leading Researcher
Scientific Educational Center
psychological support
personal and professional development
Institute of Education and Social Sciences SKFU
Vladimir Alexandrovich
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
vocational education
Institute of Education and Social Sciences SKFU
Maxim Leonidovich
candidate of psychological sciences,
Leading Researcher
Scientific Educational Center
psychological support
personal and professional development
Institute of Education and Social Sciences SKFU
Olga Victorovna
Scientific Educational Center
psychological support
personal and professional development
Institute of Education and Social Sciences SKFU